Search Results for: body image

For Loved Ones

For Loved ones Home / For Loved ones Understanding Eating Disorders Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses. National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men in America will have an eating disorder at some point in their life. Eating disorders do not discriminate – they can affect people

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Trauma Home / What We Treat / Mental Health Co-Occurring / Trauma What is trauma? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5), a diagnosis of trauma is made when someone experiences a traumatic event and then has long term symptoms in the aftermath of that event, and it continues

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Group Therapy

Group Therapy Home / Treatment Process / Group TherapyOur programs strongly emphasize group therapy because it provides an opportunity for clients to learn from interactions with others who share similar feelings and experiences. We are a primarily group-based program as group therapy gives clients support and plays a key role in recovery by providing hope,

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What We Treat

What We Treat Home / What We TreatEating disorders are more common than most people know and can be potentially life-threatening. Medical complications are typical during the acute phase of an eating disorder and persist among those not successfully treated leading to a wide range of physical and emotional disorders into early adulthood.At Toledo Center,

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Outside Yoga Class (Toledo Center)

Can Yoga Help Treat Eating Disorders?

Are there links between body image, physical activity and eating disorders? Stories and research from decades ago have shown that competitive sports can encourage the development of eating disorders. In the 1990’s, Sports Illustrated articles openly discussed the deadly impact of anorexia on women athletes. Yet, roughly twenty years later, this problem still exists in

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DNA Puzzle

The Link Between Genetics, Depression and Eating Disorders

The origin and development of eating disorders is a complex topic. In the past, misunderstandings about these disorders led many people to create false conclusions. Thankfully, newer research on how these ailments develop in an individual are slowly dispersing these misperceptions. These newer studies have even started to explore the connection between eating disorders like

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Eating Disorders Among Minorities

When the term eating disorder is mentioned, there is usually a specific mental image that comes to mind. Traditionally, the stereotypical person with this type of mental health issue is a young, wealthier Caucasian female. Mass media and pop culture images usually reinforce the portrayal of hyper-thin, white women who are suffering from the effects

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Plate with sad face (River Centre Clinic)

DBT For Eating Disorders

When people are struggling with binge eating behavior or weight management issues, they are sometimes told to simply eat less and exercise more. This advice, perhaps well intended, will potentially make the situation worse and create an unhealthy diet cycle that focuses on a negative body image and deprivation. People need a sound treatment plan that

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Child looking at partial cupcake - River Centre Clinic

Childhood Eating Problems & Adolescents Eating Disorders

Many parents are familiar with children who are picky eaters. In fact, for babies, this is often a normal eating behavior. As children age, they start to develop their own personal food preferences. However, as children grow older an overly selective eating behavior could be a sign of deeper health concerns. Many people are not

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