Search Results for: body image

Overcoming Body Image Struggles: Dealing with Body Editing Apps in Recovery

Everyone has their own unique mental image of what they look like. Whether or not the picture they’ve created is accurate is another question. Body image is something that can make you feel confident and powerful or can cause you to feel awkward and anxious. Factors including diet culture, social media, and outdated beauty standards

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Body Image in Eating Disorders

What is Body Image Disturbance? Body image disturbance is one of the most common clinical features attributed to eating disorders. Most contemporary theories consider body dissatisfaction to be the most immediate or proximal antecedent to the development of an eating disorder and empirical studies indeed confirm this association. It is generally agreed that the body

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Women using image filters - River Centre Clinic

Body Dysmorphia, Social Media, and Image Filters

Social media is a popular tool for communication and entertainment. Few people would question the fact that people are spending an increasing amount of time on these new media platforms. In recent years, social media has become much more visual in presentation and layout. However, it’s the evolution of the technology used to manipulate and

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Building Body Trust in Eating Disorder Recovery

Many feel some discomfort or concern about their body image from time to time. It’s a normal experience for most people. But when those concerns become fixations on body weight, food intake, and weight loss, it becomes a problem. These may be signs of a potential eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious medical conditions that

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Transgender and ED: Building a Body to Fit the Mold

Transgender and ED: Building a Body to Fit the Mold When people think of eating disorders, the image that usually comes to mind is an adolescent or young adult female. Young women do make up the majority of individuals with diagnosed eating disorders while many other parts of the population suffer in silence. Eating disorder

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Scale and tape (RCC)

Body Weight and the Diet Cycle

According to research from Harvard Medical School, eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating, afflict more than 30 million Americans, while millions more experience disordered eating and weight control behaviors. This statistic is even more sobering when one considers the fact that eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder

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Abstract Silhouette of Human Head with Mental Focus. Conceptual Illustration

The Connection Between Depression and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders and depression are potentially debilitating conditions on their own. When someone experiences both conditions simultaneously, it can become overwhelming. It may not seem fair to carry such a burden, but effective treatments exist—and they can be life-changing.  The symptoms of depression often overlap with those of eating disorders, and it’s not uncommon to

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