Bulimia Treatment Center

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Offering comprehensive and compassionate bulimia treatment in Toledo, Ohio

What is Bulimia?

Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that requires a comprehensive treatment program for successful recovery. Like other eating disorders, bulimia is complicated and not fully understood, but some of the contributing factors include genetics, environment, psychological, and cultural influences.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), bulimia nervosa is characterized by the following:

For these reasons treating bulimia at a bulimia treatment center like Toledo Center is extremely important.
Odyssey Behavioral Healthcare’s AVP of Clinical Services, Kate Fisch, LCSW, discusses bulimia and how Toledo Center approaches treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa

Individuals suffering from bulimia may show several signs as a direct result of self-induced vomiting or purging, and even more so if the binge-purge cycle is repeated often. Other signs and symptoms of bulimia can include:
Due to the severity of bulimia’s symptoms, it’s vital to seek treatment at a bulimia treatment center like Toledo Center in Ohio if you or a loved one is struggling. Additionally, since some bulimia symptoms are like those of anorexia, we also offer anorexia treatment.

Health Consequences of Bulimia Nervosa

The binge-purge cycle of bulimia can damage your body, and as it worsens, the symptoms and consequences become more severe. Bulimia health risks can include, but aren’t limited to the following, which is why it’s vital to seek bulimia treatment if you’re struggling.

Bulimia Therapy at Toledo Center

There are numerous bulimia health risks, but recovery is possible with comprehensive bulimia nervosa treatment. At our bulimia treatment center, we combine evidence-based therapeutic interventions with ongoing support. The types of bulimia therapy we utilize include:

Our Bulimia Treatment Center

Our highly skilled clinicians at our bulimia treatment center work closely with each client to design an individualized treatment plan to ensure the best chance at bulimia recovery. They then apply that treatment plan within the framework of evidence-based bulimia therapy methods. Clients play a vital role in helping set realistic treatment goals that will help them address the underlying issues of their eating disorder

Road To Bulimia Recovery at Toledo Center

At our bulimia treatment center, the bulimia treatment programs include:
Our bulimia nervosa treatment also includes a Family Education and Coaching Program.
If you or a loved one is suffering from bulimia, we offer several bulimia treatment options in Toledo, Ohio. Contact us today at 419-603-4239 or fill out our contact form

LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Eating Disorder Treatment

Toledo Center is an LGBTQIA+ inclusive environment. At our treatment center, we treat clients with diverse gender identities. Our philosophy at Toledo Center is that a welcoming and inclusive environment is crucial to the recovery and healing process for all. We’re proud to be an LGBTQ+ affirming environment, meeting every client where they are with compassion and collaboration.