Body Image

Learn more about body image and its impact on self-esteem, eating behaviors and ED recovery.

The Connection Between Anxiety and Eating Disorders

Every year, 40 million adults throughout the United States live with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are by far the most common mental illness in the country, affecting more than 18% of the population. These include conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Anxiety disorders develop from a […]

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How to Celebrate Pride Month While in Recovery

This June marks Pride Month, a month dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community! Pride Month is a time to appreciate how far society has come in accepting LGBTQ+ individuals and also to address areas for growth that still exist. Every year during the first few months of the

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Transgender and ED: Building a Body to Fit the Mold

Transgender and ED: Building a Body to Fit the Mold When people think of eating disorders, the image that usually comes to mind is an adolescent or young adult female. Young women do make up the majority of individuals with diagnosed eating disorders while many other parts of the population suffer in silence. Eating disorder

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Suffering in Silence: Understanding Eating Disorders in Men

Eating disorders have been known to primarily effect women. Adolescent girls and young adult women tend to be the focus whenever they are discussed. At first, the assumption may seem to make sense. Statistically, young women make up the majority of those struggling with ED however, this often overlooks the less obvious sufferers: eating disorders

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#Thinspo: The Dangers of Online ED Communities

#Thinspo: The Dangers of Online ED Communities Eating Disorders and Online Communities Humans long to be a part of a group of people who understand their experiences. The age of the Internet has connected people around the world and made it much easier to find people with similar experiences. The positive impacts of these connections

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Eating Disorders Are More Common For Transgender Youth

Historically, eating disorders have been associated with young, heterosexual females. However, we are now beginning to recognize that body image issues and eating disorders affect all demographic backgrounds. Eating disorders are a serious, and sometimes deadly, mental health condition that appear among all socio-economic statuses, sexual orientations, and ethnic backgrounds. In particular, the rates of

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