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Kally Scholarship

The Kally scholarship is dedicated to of one of our former patients who battled with an eating disorder and who is now able to celebrate recovery. Kally has been a generous donor to the Toledo Center Foundation and has made an incredible difference in fulfilling her mission of giving back based on her experience of treatment and recovery. Kally is committed to making a difference by supporting the Foundation that provides awareness to others about eating disorders. Another objective is based on the recognition that many patients run out of financial resources toward the end of treatment and are forced to leave prematurely. The Kally Scholarship is aimed at helping these individuals have the extra time in treatment they need in order begin aftercare with confidence.
The Kally Scholarship is awarded up to four times a year to individuals who are in treatment at the Toledo Center but whose resources run out before the end of recommended treatment. These are individuals who do not have the financial means to complete the recommended course of treatment. This is a tragic problem since we find that there are many individuals who truly want to reach the point in treatment where they feel confident that they have the tools to succeed in aftercare.
Each scholarship is for the equivalent of $5,000 of treatment costs at the daily rates published on this website. Up to one Kally Scholarship will be awarded each quarter. Application for the Kally Scholarship requires completion of a short Financial Needs form that will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee consisting of five senior staff at the Toledo Center. Once the information on the form is reviewed and verified to determine that other financial means are not available to the applicant, the award will be made immediately. Scholarships may also be awarded to individuals who have been in treatment and who require a brief “booster” following discharge but do not have the financial means or insurance to cover the costs. With a brief booster following treatment, many patients do extremely well in maintaining recovery.

Start your recovery process with Toledo Center.